Notre Dame Catholic Church

The Sacrament of the Eucharist


Masses led by Catechism Families are celebrated every second Sunday (10:30 am Mass) of the month. This is a good opportunity for the family to share their faith together and to help our children grow in faith by our Christian example.

* I appeal to the conscience of parents to bring their children to the church every Sunday.


Sunday Mass Is a Serious Obligation

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

  1. In the recent Apostolic Letter Dies Domini on keeping Sunday holy, I wrote that the Eucharistic assembly is the heart of the Day of the Lord. Therefore to observe Sunday properly, our first task is to take part in Holy Mass. This is a serious obligation, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church has recalled (n.2181), but, yet more important, it is a deep need which cannot but be felt by Christian souls. The sacrifice made once and for all on Golgotha is renewed in every Eucharist, and the Church, uniting her sacrifice to that of the Lord, announces his death and proclaims his Resurrection as she awaits his coming. If this is true for Holy Mass celebrated on any day, it is especially true with regard to Sunday, since Sunday is particularly associated with the commemoration of Christ's Resurrection.
  2. Sunday is the day when the whole community is called together; this is why it is also called dies Ecclesiae, the day of the Church. On this day, the Christian assembly listens to the Word of God, proclaimed in abundance and with solemnity; thus in the first part of Mass there is a true dialogue of the Lord with his people. Then, through participation in one banquet, communion is deepened among those who are united in the Spirit of Christ. The Sunday Eucharist is thus the privileged place in which the Church manifests herself as a sacrament of unity, "sign and instrument of communion with God and of unity among all people. Pope John Paul II

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